Monday, 25 April 2011

Smart451's entry makes another smart move

Swedish cachers SjöqvistRockers have placed smart451's Smart Car 10 Knockout Racer Travel Bug into it's most northern cache yet, this one, in Täby Municipality, north of Stockholm, adding 132.32 miles to SC10KR's distance travelled in The Great Travel Bug Knockout.

Scroll to bottom of this page for current Knockout placings

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Catching up on an active Easter

Lots of moves in the second half of this week for entries in The Great Travel Bug Knockout; Current leader, Blid435's BraveHeart TB has been retrieved from the cache that it was resting in by New Zealand cacher Mel74.

Current 3rd place entry, Hediya's Love and Peace (Maan) trackable was placed into this cache by the Canadian cacher that was holding it, adding 21.62 miles to it's distance travelled. It was retrieved the very same day by fellow Canadian gottagonow, who subsequently dipped it into this nearby cache, adding 0.81 of a mile to it's Knockout milage. Gottagonow has retained possession of LaP(Maan), therefore any subsequent dips or placement will not add any official Knockout milage to it's record. LaP(Maan) keeps moving, but appears to be stuck in a sort of "Bermuda diamond" east of Vancouver at the moment. Will Hediya's entry eventually be swallowed up or break out?

Fourth placed entry, cooper troopers' the noble traveller TB, was retrieved from the German cache that it was residing in by cacher tapescript (whom I believe is Swiss, but does much of his caching in Germany). Two days later he dropped tnt into this interesting cache in Germany, sited at the epicentre of a Richter 4.5 earthquake which occured on May 5th 2009. This placement added 8.65 miles to tnt's distance travelled.

Cooper troopers' friendly local rivals, smart451, have had their Smart Car 10 Knockout Racer Travel Bug retrieved from the Swedish cache in which it had passed the last 16 days by Swedish newbies SjöqvistRockers.

16 days is nothing compared to the 73 days that oceanblue07970's Half Hearted Travel Bug spent in a cache in France before being retrieved by experienced French cacher christian35, who the very same day dipped it into this nearby cache, adding 1.14 miles to ½H's distance travelled. Christian35 has since dipped the shiny little trackable into no less than thirteen more caches, none of which add official Knockout milage, and has retained possession.

Finally, as more than one cacher has noted the disappearance of G-X's Voodoo Whodo What You Don't Dare Do People (Racer Bug) TB, I've marked it as whereabouts unknown, hopefully only temporarily!

Scroll to bottom of this page for current official Knockout placings

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Comings, goings, and a possible disappearance

New Zealand cacher willbuild just can't resist Blid435's BraveHeart Travel Bug! Having dropped BH off in his own cache last week, he's now retrieved the shiny TB and dropped it into this cache near North Island's Welcome Bay, 26.94 miles away. The milage will not be added to BraveHeart's official Knockout distance travelled due to it being the upteenth cache that willbuild has taken it to.

lgxkls' Hazards of Geocaching 1 - Karon's Knockout Racer TB has been retrieved from the German cache that it was penned in by Slovenian cacher perhan.

Finally for today, G-X's Voodoo Whodo What You Don't Dare Do People (Racer Bug) TB has been reported as missing from the Cheshire cache that it is logged into. If another cacher reports it missing too, then I'll mark it with the dreaded whereabouts unknown.

Scroll to bottom of this page for official Knockout rankings

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Confused? You Will Be!

Okay, first a little background; when I started The Great Travel Bug Knockout I decided not to allow multiple placings (known as "dips") to count towards an entry's total milage, so as not to give an unfair advantage to a TB that is picked up by a regular long-distance traveller. All three Bugs that have been moved in the last week have therefore had some or all of it's recent milage disallowed.

Firstly, current Knockout leader, Blid435's BraveHeart has had all of it's dips by New Zealand cacher willbuild disallowed apart from the first one. How many dips have been disallowed? Well, let's count them, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42! After all that diptastic action, willbuild finally placed BH into this picturesque cache which he owns.

Next up is Jacaru's Knockout Ferrari TB, which cacher Anothercell placed into this cache on the busy U.S. Interstate Highway 5. Mysteriously, this log was deleted and KF was then dipped into this cache instead, then this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, this one and this one, before eventually being logged into Along the 5 again. As the difference between being placed directly into Along the 5 and being dipped into 1-Carrot-But NO BLING! is less than a mile, I've allowed the corrected order to stand.

Finally, G-X's Voodoo Whodo Whatever... TB was placed into an event cache named Dragon Motor Meet. Shortly afterwards the event was re-named Deceangi (The Boss's) Suprise Party and was revealed to be a surprise 50th Birthday party for's head U.K. cache reviewer Deceangi. VWWYDDDP was retrieved from the event by cachers The GeoBEATS, who dipped it in this Cheshire cache, adding 39.54 miles to it's total distance travelled, before placing it into this cache, also in Cheshire.

Scroll down to bottom of this page for current official Knockout placings

Saturday, 9 April 2011

G-X can stop sticking the pins in..

..his effegy of cacher i'mboringme, who has, after 4½ months placed Voodoo Whodo What You Don't Dare Do People (Racer Bug) Travel Bug into this event cache in Denbighshire, North Wales, adding 17.85 miles to the little voodoo doll's milage.

In other Knockout news, American newbie cacher Anothercell has retrieved current 2nd placed entry, Jacaru's Knockout Ferrari TB from the Californian cache that it was garaged in.

Scroll down to the bottom of this page for current official Knockout placings.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

That always happens...

Yes, just as I update the blog for the first time in three days, a cacher decides to place one of the entries in The Great Travel Bug Knockout into a cache! In this cache, Swedish cacher Dilboket has dropped smart451's Smart Car 10 Knockout Racer TB into this remote picturesque cache (whose name translates into English as Take me to the sea) south-east of Västervik, adding 94.16 miles to it's distance travelled.

Scroll to the bottom of this page for updated official Knockout placings.

Deja vu!

Yes, it's deja vu all over again, as Blid435's BraveHeart Travel Bug has been picked up from the cache that it was resting in by veteran New Zealand cacher willbuild, who then dipped it into this new cache shortly afterwards, extending it's lead by 19.61 miles.

lgxkls' Hazards of Geocaching 1 - Karon's Knockout Racer TB has also done some travelling, from Budapest, Hungary to this Austrian cache, and from there to this odd German "Flirt-Cache"; translate the webpage to find out what that means! Unfortunately for lgxkls, none of this international travelling has added any milage to HoG1's official Knockout distance due to the rule that stipulates that only the first dip by a cacher counts.

Finally, smart451's Smart Car 10 Knockout Racer Travel Bug has been retrieved by relative newbie cacher Dilboket.

Scroll down to the bottom of this page for official Knockout placings.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Plenty more miles for BraveHeart

The newbies from New Zealand, FlipDags, have proven that they know what they're doing by moving the current leader of The Great Travel Bug Knockout, Blid435's BraveHeart TB to this cache 73.84 miles to the South-East. I've only just noticed how all geocaches in New Zealand seem to include the area of the country that it is located in as a parenthesized addition to the cache's name, I wonder why this is?

In other Knockout news, Hediya's Love and Peace (Maan) TB may have outstayed it's welcome in The Frozen North, as no cacher was interested enough in it to retrieve it from the Event Cache that it visited on Friday, so the event organiser, Chewy_06, has logged LaP(Maan) into his inventory.

Finally, Hungarian cacher tomreti has dipped lgxkls' Hazards of Geocaching 1 - Karon's Knockout Racer Bug into this fascinating cache in Budapest, but no milage has been added to HoG1's distance travelled as this is the second cache that tomreti has taken the bovine trackable too.

Scroll to the bottom of this page for current official Knockout placings.

Friday, 1 April 2011

Wave Bye-Bye to Bigfoot!

It's Elimination Day at The Great Travel Bug Knockout, and we wave a sad goodbye to Grizzly Pair's Quatchi - Grizzly's Knockout Racer TB, which has recently proved to be as elusive as this fellow (or female);

C'mon, you knew that I was going to use the Patterson-Gimlin footage, didn't you?

In other news, smart451's Smart Car 10 Knockout Racer has recorded it's first official milage since December, 23.51 miles, after being placed into this intriguingly named cache south of Stockholm in Sweden.

Scroll down to the bottom of this page for the official Knockout leaderboard