Wednesday, 15 February 2012


Wow, I had dream that I hadn't updated The Great Travel Bug Knockout blog for three months and then I woke up and IT WAS TRUE!

Anyway, I'm back now, so with only 6 weeks to go, it time to say goodbye to Hazards of Geocaching 1 - Karon's Knockout Racer, Smart Car 10 Knockout Racer and Knockout Ferrari, and in true Bullseye fashion, let's have a look at what they could've won;

Not quite as exciting as a speedboat, but easier to find space on your mantlepiece for!

Only 3 survivors now;
the noble traveller, in the hands of German cacher muskosa,
Love and Peace (Maan), in the hands of Canadian cachers StoGirls and possibly on it's way from Quebec to Florida,
and runaway leader BraveHeart, currently in this German cache, and, thanks to a lengthy sojourn in The Antipodes followed by a recent return trip to Europe has racked up an impressive 24315.11 official Knockout miles! I can imagine Team Blid435 rubbing their hands together in anticipation!

Scroll to the bottom of this page for updated official Knockout positions


  1. Good to see you back :) lovely trophy for the winner ... shame I'm miles behind

  2. "shame I'm miles behind"

    erm, do the letters O, U & T mean anything in the Castelgrice household? Still, George's Funbus 2 got much further than The Exterminator did!

    Thanks for the comment on the trophy. It was originally supposed to be a small glass paperweight, but the shop that did those closed down so I went for something possibly a little ostentatious...

    Happy geocaching, STP
