Sunday, 30 October 2011

It's getting closer to shearing time...


Still no sign of any movement for mat smith's Hazards of Geocaching 2 (The Sheep) Travel Bug, but good news for both of the leading contenders in The Great Travel Bug Knockout;

Team Blid435's  BraveHeart continues it's Antipodean adventure, having been retrieved by local Queensland cacher Fullboar2010 from the TB Motel that was checked into, although Love and Peace (Maan) (owned by Hediya) may have caught a crab in Canada, after cacher geric1 dropped it into this puzzle cache, 61.06 miles from where he picked it up 3 days ago.

Scroll to bottom of this page for current official Knockout placings.

Friday, 28 October 2011

Is geocaching about to become less hazardous?


With four days until the next elimination, things are not looking good for mat smith's Hazards of Geocaching 2 (The Sheep) John's Knockout Racer Travel Bug, which is currently almost 200 miles behind it's nearest competitor and is in the hands of an occassional cacher who hasn't cached since picking up the woolly TB.

In fact, the only entry in The Great Travel Bug Knockout which has moved this week is Hediya's Love and Peace (Maan) TB, which Quebecois cacher new8812 placed into this new cache (after visiting 12 more in the area!), where it was quickly retrieved by fellow Canadian Musicien. He, in turn placed it into another newly-placed cache, adding 1.31 miles to LaP(Maan)'s total milage covered, from where it was picked-up a couple of days later by geric1 who still has possession of the trackable.

Scroll down to the bottom of this page for current official Knockout positions.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Whatever happened to...

On my way to Cornwall last weekend for a family holiday I stopped at a random cache in Gloucestershire (okay, not so random as I'd planned to stop there as it is just off of the M5 and I was passing, but you know what I mean) and I found this fellow...

Yes, somewhat battered (and blinded!) but still going, it's my own long-eliminated entry, The Exterminator!

What was especially surprising about this is that the little DALEK was logged into a cache in North-West Scotland! Since being the second elimination from The Great Travel Bug Knockout, with only 3.78 miles on the clock, the evil pepperpot has visited The Balearics, Germany, Austria, and toured much of Scotland.

Not all of the now-eliminated entries have been so lucky, Rag Zombie and My Little Eye made some modest moves before disappearing, while Scary Halloween Monster, Quatchi, Billy Bear Racer, Voodoo Whodo What You Don't Dare Do People and Happy Hoppy all vanished without trace before being eliminated from The Knockout.

What will happen to the next elimination?

the noble traveller cleans up

German cacher Flixsi retrieved cooper troopers' the noble traveller Travel Bug from the Whovian multicache that it was residing in. A few days later it was grabbed by fellow German Orphik at this CITO Event 156.62 miles away. Interestingly, Flixsi has not logged an attended at this event, but did attend an earlier event, but Orphik didn't. This means that the noble traveller possibly spent time in the hands of another cacher in between. If the missing link (not that one!) is found, then I'll add any extra distance covered.

Also on the move has been Hediya's Love and Peace (Maan) TB, which has been picked up by Canadian cacher new8812, who has dipped LaP(Maan) into this cache, adding 24.03 miles to it's total distance covered, before going on to dip the Love-spreading trackable into 1, 2, 3, 4 further caches. No milage was added to Love and Peace's official total due to the rule stating that only the first cache visited by each cacher holding the TB counts. New8812 have retained possession.

Finally, mat smith's Hazards of Geocaching 2 (The Sheep) Travel Bug has been retrieved from the Dutch multicache that it was grazing in by occassional cacher Drifter_NL.

Scroll down to bottom of this page for current official Knockout placings.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Quick update

I've heard back from U.S. cachers VWjunkies. They were a couple who cached together but have split, their account being retained by the female half, Knockout Ferrari being taken by her former partner and passed onto an unknown Florida-based cacher, which is where the trail goes cold; therefore I've marked KF as "whereabouts unknown".

Smart451's Smart Car 10 Knockout Racer TB was retrieved yesterday by German cachers Ilmaran, who promptly placed it into this puzzle-cache dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the fall of The Berlin Wall, adding 8.58 miles to it's distance travelled.

Also adding a little distance to it's total milage travelled (although still the most vulnerable to elimination from the Knockout) is Mat Smith's Hazards of Geocaching 2 (The Sheep) John's Knockout Racer TB, which was dropped into this typically-Dutch multicache, 18.1 miles from the last cache that it visited.

Scroll to bottom of this page for current official Knockout placings

Sunday, 16 October 2011

New Top 3! New Top 3! New Top 3!

Okay, it's only one spot (3rd) in the Top 3 that has changed, but as it happens only rarely, I'm making a big deal about it (and, of course, it occurs just after posting my first update for two weeks!).  Yes, cooper troopers' the noble traveller has been placed into this popular and appropriate German multicache, adding 37.83 miles to it's distance travelled, sufficient to move it ahead of maybe-missing-maybe-not Knockout Ferrari.

Scroll down to the bottom of this page for current official Knockout placings.

Leaders check into Motels, 3rd place checks out?

Just as it looked like nothing would be happening this month, all of the top 3 entries in The Great Travel Bug Knockout make moves;

Current leader Team Blid435's BraveHeart TB has been dropped into this Australian TB Motel, near to Cairns in Queensland, adding a respectable 2331.61 miles to it's distance travelled. Hopefully the shiny little trackable will be safe there, as a couple of recent finders have reported syringes and drug parafernalia in the immediate area.

Not to be left behind, Hediya's Love and Peace (Maan) Travel Bug has taken up residence in this recently-placed TB Motel east of Montreal in the Canadian province of Quebec, adding 2309.72 miles to it's total milage.

Meanwhile, cacher Jacaru has passed ownership of his 3rd-placed entry, Knockout Ferrari, on to newbie cacher j33pster, who has marked KF as missing. I've attempted to contact Californian cachers VWjunkies who were holding the little spotscar, but they haven't replied and are apparently no longer actively caching. This doesn't neccessarily mean that Knockout Ferrari is out of the competition, as TBs do seem to have the abilty to turn up anywhere at any time!

I'm off for an internet-free week in Cornwall, so probably there'll be lots of movements in the next 7 days! I'll catch up next week and, hopefully, finally get those pictures of the winner's trophy posted.

Scroll down to the bottom of this page for current official Knockout placings

Monday, 3 October 2011

No News is Bad News for Half Hearted

It's (a slightly delayed) Elimination Day at The Great Travel Bug Knockout, and unfortunately for Oceanblue07970's Half Hearted Travel Bug it's a case of No News is Bad News as the shiny little TB has been left stranded in a Belgian cache. I wonder what will become of it...

We may have bidden bye-bye to ½H, but it's still business as usual for the remaining 7 entries, with cooper troopers' the noble traveller closing to within 30 miles of the top 3 after TeamSanSeba dipped it into this Turkish cache, adding 1592.33 miles to it's distance travelled. TeamSanSeba then took tnt all the way back to Germany and placed the silver TARDIS into this popular German TB Hotel. No milage was added on the return journey due to it being the second cache visited by the same cacher. However, Good News for cooper troopers as their trackable was promptly retrieved by local cachers TeamRR207.

Scroll down to the bottom of this page for current official Knockout placings.