Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Two Bugs snug in a French cache


Cachers rallisalli & hawkeye have placed both cooper troopers' the noble traveller Travel Bug and oceanblue07970's Half Hearted TB into the same French cache near the commune of Mozé sur Louet in the department of Maine-et-Loire. This adds 412.01 miles to the noble traveller's distance travelled and 412.51 miles to Half Hearted's journey.

It's good to see so many entries in The Great Travel Bug Knockout travelling overseas and racking up the miles so early on in the event!

Scroll down to the bottom of this page for latest Knockout placings

Will The Exterminator! be saved by the weather?


The first elimination from The Great Travel Bug Knockout will take place at noon (GMT) tomorrow (or as near to as I can make it!). With my own BPJC: M1 Junction 29: The Cache of the Living Dead buried under a foot of snow, making a move for Rag Zombie highly unlikely, it looks like my The Exterminator! Travel Bug may be saved by the snow; although to paraphrase Commander Sam Shore, "Anything can happen in the next 18½ hours!!"

And here's a picture of oceanblue07970's Half Hearted, for no other reason than it's nice to put a picture up on this blog now and then...

Monday, 29 November 2010

Smart Car 10 goes east


After receiving a query regarding the monthly eliminations from The Great Travel Bug Knockout, it's been pointed out that I haven't made it clear whether the eliminated Travel Bug is the one that has travelled the least in total since the beginning of The Knockout, or the TB that has travelled the least since the previous elimination. It's the TB that has travelled the least distance since the start of The Knockout that is eliminated each month, not the one with the shortest distance for that month.

Now for news of a retrieval and a placement, as Canadian cacher moicy has picked up Hediya's Love and Peace (Maan) TB from the Vancouver cache that it was resting in and Smart Car 10 Knockout Racer has bucked the trend of The Great Travel Bug Knockout entries by, instead of heading west to North America, has raced off east to this cache on the outskirts of Göteborg in Southwestern Sweden. This move has added 584.29 miles to SC10KR's distance travelled, consolidating it's current 3rd position in The Knockout.

Scroll to the bottom of this page for latest updated standings

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Zombie almost dead...


No moves to report for the two bottom entries in The Great Travel Bug Knockout today, but 3rd-from-bottom lgxkls' Hazards of Geocaching 1 - Karon's Knockout Racer has been retrieved from the Leicestershire cache that it was residing in by enthusiastic cachers and EmCache members niknrich.

Scroll to bottom of this page for current Knockout placings

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Slowfox fast enough to catch sheep


Infant cacher Firstfox placed Mat Smith's Hazards of Geocaching 2 (The Sheep) John's Knockout Racer Travel Bug into this Leicestershire multi-cache from where it was immediately retrieved by his French-domiciled grandfather slowfox. This not only gives The Sheep an opening distance travelled of 7.57 miles, but also presents the strong possibility that it may soon be seen grazing on the slopes of The French Alps.

This means that Rag Zombie is now the only entry in The Great Travel Bug Knockout to have yet recorded any milage. It also means that my own The Exterminator! is not looking too secure...

Scroll down to bottom of this page for latest updated Knockout standings

(Little) Big move for Big Foot Quatchi


Grizzly Pair's Quatchi - Grizzly's Knockout Racer Travel Bug has been placed into this cache near East Midlands Airport by roger-uk, giving it an opening distance travelled of 5.41 miles, sufficient to move it up to 14th place overall in The Great Travel Bug Knockout. With the current weather conditions in the UK, this move could be vital to secure the continued existence of the shy Canadian cryptid.

Scroll down to the bottom of this page for updated Knockout placings.

Friday, 26 November 2010

Who's On The Bubble?


It's the countdown to the first elimination on December 1st, and currently On The Bubble are Quatchi - Grizzly's Knockout Racer, Hazards of Geocaching 2 (The Sheep) John's Knockout racer and Rag Zombie, none of whom have yet recorded an opening distance, which means that

Rule 7. In the event of two or more TBs ending a month with equal milage, a Golden Move rule will come into play, meaning that the next one to move goes through.

will come into play. Exciting, eh? ;-)

Voodoo Whodo What You Don't Dare Do People ducks out!

Newbie cacher i'mboringme has retrieved geohunter-x's Voodoo Whodo blah blah blah Travel Bug from Albert duck. Interestingly enough, as with Mia's Marauders, this is the first TB found by i'mboringme. Obviously cachers with no taste whatsoever... ;-)

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Smart Car 10 is found... in Sweden!

Swedish cacher Drejan has confirmed that he retrieved Smart451's Smart Car 10 Knockout Racer Travel Bug from the Edinburgh cache that it was resting in and has taken it back to Sweden with him:

Meanwhile, current leader of The Great Travel Bug Knockout, Jacaru's Knockout Ferrari, has been retrieved by Californian cacher Comstock. Oddly appropriate name for a cacher who discovered a gold Ferrari ;-)

Scroll to the bottom of this page for current Knockout standings.

Thank You to EmCache for their continued promotion of The Great Travel Bug Knockout!

A bit of everything; placements, retrievals, grabbing, missing and disallowed milage!

Relative newbies to caching, rallisalli & hawkeye, who claim that their occupation is having fun (my kind of job!) have retrieved cooper troopers' the noble traveller from Round The Bend From Yonder Man! They also took possession of oceanblue07970's Half Hearted Travel Bug by grabbing it from this Derbyshire cache near the famous village of Eyam. Half Hearted had been placed into this cache by newbie cacher the-scout, who may or may not be related to the TBs owner ;-)

After a little argy-bargy with Half Hearted being grabbed back and logged in and out and so-forth, the end result is an opening distance of 13.84 miles being recorded for the broken-hearted trackable, almost enough to jump it into the Top Ten entries in The Great Travel Bug Knockout.

There's been a second instance of disallowed milage, as cacher Baira has transferred Happy Humphrey's Scary Halloween Monster TB from her temporarily disabled In Search Of The Golden Cache #4 to Keep Crossing Clear. As Baira has already moved this entry, the resulting 29 hundredths of a mile will not count. You may scoff, but that could be sufficient distance to keep a Bug from elimination...

Finally, a cacher has reported that Smart451's Smart Car 10 Knockout Racer has gone missing from Edinburgh's Crag & Tail cache. I'm currently in the process of attempting to track down this TB's whereabouts, and hopefully will have soon heard back from whoever has taken it.

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Two TBs move on up

Canadian cacher teebird150 placed Hediya's Love and Peace (Maan) Travel Bug into this cache in British Columbia, Canada, in the suburbs of the great city of Vancouver:

(I think that it's over there to the right, past the Kingdome somewhere...)

This move has added 4707.3 miles to LaP(Maan)'s distance travelled, easily enough to move it up into a secure 2nd place overall in The Great Travel Bug Knockout.

The other TB to make a move is geohunter-x's Voodoo Whodo yadda yadda which has been placed into this cache in another great city, Liverpool, giving it an opening distance of 76.45 miles, enough to place it in a current 6th place overall.

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Lgxkls in Bullish mood

Infant cacher Firstfox has placed lgxkls' Hazards of Geocaching 1 - Karon's Knockout Racer in this Leicestershire cache on the banks of the River Soar. This gives HoG 1 an opening distance of 4.11 miles, moving it up to 12th place overall in The Great Travel Bug Knockout.

Scroll to the bottom of this page for current knockout placings.

The Skylark retrieved by mysterious newbie

Wemnog's The Skylark Travel Bug has been retrieved from the Essex cache that it was moored in by caching newbie Tigger1104, who registered at Geocaching.com today, and whose only logged activity so far is to retrieve The Skylark.

Friday, 19 November 2010

Another entry

Enthusiastic newbies Kez+Maz have so far moved along two entries in The Great Travel Bug Knockout, but they won't be able to move along any more as they have now entered their own Travel Bug into The Knockout; this rather ferocious looking zombie:

Interestingly, K+M have placed Reg, erm.. Rag I mean, into the same cache that current 2nd place TB Smart Car 10 Knockout Racer started from.

Travelling without moving

I've been rummaging around for my 9-inch square of black silk this morning as I've had to pass my first judgement regarding a rule infringement in The Great Travel Bug Knockout.

The specific rule in question is Rule 3: Only the first move by a cacher will count. This rule was broken when cacher peigimaccann retrieved Jacaru's Knockout Ferrari Travel Bug from the cache that she had placed it in and then placed it into this one, 30.07 miles away. It's quite possible that peigimaccann mistakenly logged Knockout Ferrari into the wrong cache, but I'm counting her first placing as a dip, therefore the subsequent 30.07 miles have not been added to KF's official milage. The column to the right shows the correct current order of entries in The Knockout, but for correct official milage please scroll down to the bottom of this page.

Naturally, the entrant of Knockout Ferrari may appeal this docking of milage by posting a comment to this blog post. Just don't expect me to change my mind ;-)

Thursday, 18 November 2010

They're all out there somewhere

Oceanblue07970 has finally placed her Half Hearted Travel Bug into a cache near Ogston Reservoir in Derbyshire (in fact she did it 5 days ago, but has only just logged it in), meaning that all 17 entries in The Great Travel Bug Knockout are now in action, either in a cache or in the hands of a cacher.

As an aside, I remember drinking in a pub called The New Napoleon not far from this cache, but the last time that I passed by it had become a private house!

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Doesn't it make you feel old?

Both mat smith's Hazards of Geocaching 2 (The Sheep) Travel Bug and lgxkls' Hazards of Geocaching 1 TB have been retrieved from Teddy's Treasure by cacher Firstfox, aged 6 days! Interestingly Firstfox logged that he or she retrieved mat smith's entry in The Great Travel Bug Knockout first, which could be important if a tie-breaker is needed...

Monday, 15 November 2010

New Knockout leader (by about 5000 miles!)

I think that I can confidently say that Jacaru's Knockout Ferrari Travel Bug is safe from elimination this month from The Great Travel Bug Knockout after cacher peigimccann placed it into this Californian cache, adding a whopping 5,044 miles to it's distance travelled.

Oddly enough, this sign near to the cache says that access is PROHIBITED...

The upside of this placement for the rest of us is that the cache is so full of trackables that finders may be spoilt for choice and take a different one. Although a goldplated Ferrari does attract the eye somewhat!

A busy caching Sunday equals a blogging Manic Monday

Lots of retrievals and placements to report;

Canadian cacher teebird150 has retrieved Hediya's Love and Peace (Maan) Travel Bug from Kensington Town Hall Ghost and is planning to take it back to The Frozen North with him.

Cachers Kez+Maz have placed castlegrice's George's Fun Bus 2 into this cache near the South Yorkshire village of Treeton, adding 13.92 miles to it's distance travelled. This means that GFB2 has visited 3 caches, each in a different English county. Oh, and here's a photo of George's Fun Bus 2 with it's racing numbers applied:

Cachers .Star.Wards. have placed my own The Exterminator! TB into this Hartlepool cache near to the village of Dalton Piercy, giving it an opening distance of 3.78 miles in The Great Travel Bug Knockout.

This opening milage has been beaten by the Dalek's arch-enemy, cooper troopers' the noble traveller, which cacher ALLDREAD has placed into this cache in Britain's oldest National Park, The Peak District, giving tnt an opening distance travelled of 9.75 miles.

Not yet recording any milage, but at least it has been picked up by a cacher, is geohunter-x's Voodoo Whodo What You Don't Do People (Racer Bug) which has been retrieved by newbie's Mia's Marauders, the very first Travel Bug that they have collected.

Finally for this update, wemnog placed his The Skylark TB into this West Bridgford cache, from where it was quickly retrieved by Cache Owner Lotus-Max, who rapidly moved it on to this cache in Chelmsford, Essex, giving it an opening distance travelled of 106.5 miles.

Scroll down to the bottom of this page for current standings.

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Hoppy is Happy now!

Cacher Grey-n-Red has placed fuzziebear3's Happy Hoppy Travel Bug into this cache near to the city of Spencer, West Virginia, giving Hoppy an opening milage of 161.57, sufficient to move the jolly little amphibian up into 2nd place overall in The Great Travel Bug Knockout.

Check out this page for more information on the cache that fuzziebear3's TB has been placed into. It's part of a series that has been financed by the area's local Chamber of Commerce to bring geotourists into the area (does this contravene Groundspeak's rules regarding commercial caches?) and local companies have supplied prizes and swag for the caches, and there's even a special geocoin been made up for the first 100 finders. I wonder if this sort of series will take off over here in the U.K.?

As ever, scroll down to the very bottom of this page for the latest updated standings.

Saturday, 13 November 2010

George's Fun Bus doesn't hang around

Castlegrice's George's Fun Bus 2 has been retrieved, after a very short stay, from Chester-mans no 1 by cachers Kez+Maz. This is the second entry in The Great Travel Bug Knockout that K+M have retrieved, having earlier moved thejellybabies' My Little Eye Travel Bug along.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Another hippie logs some milage

...but not quite as much as Love and Peace (Maan)! Cachers stuwntez have placed castlegrice's George's Fun Bus 2 Travel Bug in this cache, near to the reputedly haunted Pleasley Vale Mills. Although this gives George's Fun Bus 2 an opening distance of only 3.4 miles, it has moved over the county border into Derbyshire, and more importantly, moved out of The Great Travel Bug Knockout's elimination zone.

JAT2010 answers Five Little Questions

Cacher JAT2010, who moved Smart451's Smart Car 10 Knockout Racer into the lead of The Great Travel Bug Knockout took the time to answer the following Five Little Questions. His answers are in bold;

1. Do you usually pick up Travel Bugs?  Yes.

2. What especially attracted you to this TB?  Just spent a week or two taking a jeep around the country and enjoyed photographing it in various spots for its owner. So I was quite attracted to another car TB

3. Do you usually try to help a Travel Bug achieve it's mission?  Only in as much as moving them about. The ones who want to travel the world will need someone who gets out of the country to help. So if I can, yes.

4. Do you follow movements of TBs subsequent to you dropping them off?  Fairly newbie, so not so much yet. Time will tell.

5. Will you be following this Travel Bug's progress in The Great Travel Bug
Knockout?  Actually, yes. Now that I moved it, the owner is quite pleased to have 'taken an early lead', so I have an interest in this one. I'll check in on it now and then.

Many Thanks to JAT2010

The hippie fights back

Cacher Jamie.Smith has placed Hediya's Love and Peace (Maan) Travel Bug into this cache in London, adding 110.07 miles to it's distance travelled, sufficient to move it up to 3rd place overall in The Great Travel Bug Knockout.

Meanwhile, cacher GDSteam has retrieved thejellybabies' My Little Eye TB from Major Oak.

Scroll to the very bottom of this page for full details of current leaderboard.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

A new race leader!

Smart451 have added the words Knockout Racer to the name of their entry in The Great Travel Bug Knockout, and it's worked a treat, as enthusiastic recent caching convert JAT2010 has retrieved Smart451's Travel Bug from BPJC: M1 Junction 29 (taking time to rename the cache as they did so) and deposited it in this cache in the heart of the magnificent city of Edinburgh, giving it an opening distance travelled of 204.41 miles, sufficient for the little Smart car to overtake a certain gold-plated Ferrari. I bet that smarts!

Monday, 8 November 2010

Brave new 2nd place entry

Two fat pigs have placed Blid435's BraveHeart Travel Bug into this just-inside Derbyshire cache, west of Mosborough, giving BH an opening distance of 18.98 miles travelled, sufficient to jump it up into 2nd place overall in The Great Travel Bug Knockout.

After 1 full week of the event, 6 entries have recorded some distance, ranging from 143.86 miles to 10.8, but 2 entries (those of oceanblue07970 and wemnog) have still to be placed in their first cache. C'mon cachers, only 22 days until the first elimination!

Bugs on the run

Three Travel Bugs entered in The Great Travel Bug Knockout have been retrieved from the caches that they were residing in;

Jacaru's Knockout Ferrari has been picked up by Californian cacher peigimccann. An amazing retrieval, when you consider that the Event Cache that Knockout Ferrari was logged into isn't being held until this coming Friday!

Next is Hediya's Love and Peace (Maan), which, after being ignored by experienced cacher Pierre7749 (obviously a man who dislikes hippies!), has been snaffled up by newbie cacher Jamie.Smith.

Thirdly (and most importantly of course) my own The Exterminator! Travel Bug has been retrieved from Wolviston Services TB, GC Hotel (A19,A689) by Cache Owners .Star.Wards. during a maintenance visit.

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Latest ins and outs of The Great Travel Bug Knockout

Two retrievals to report; Midland geocachers stuwntez have confirmed that they retrieved castlegrice's George's Fun Bus 2 TB, and Grizzly Pair's Quatchi - Grizzly's Knockout Racer has been picked up by occasional cacher roger-uk.

Good news for Ve8, as JustAlan has deposited Billy Bear Racer into this cache alongside a building with a fascinating history. This gives BBR a first move distance of 17.2 miles, identical to Hediya's Love and Peace (Maan).

I've also added a current rankings list to the foot of this page for easy reference, although the small picture links to the entries own pages at right should remain in correct order.

All aboard the 17th entry!

Nottingham cacher wemnog is the latest cacher to enter a Travel Bug in The Great Travel Bug Knockout, with his sailing boat;

I predict another TB that will sink without trace!

Saturday, 6 November 2010

There's always one...

Yes, as soon as I updated the blog, someone just has to move an entry in The Great Travel Bug Knockout. In this case it's geohunter-x, who has placed his Travel Bug (no, I'm not typing that name out again!) into his own cache near the west Leicestershire village of Donisthorpe. Interestingly, g-x has placed several other trackables into the cache at the same time. Could this be a case of too much choice?

2 placements, 2 retrievals

No sooner had lgxkls and mat smith submitted their entries for The Great Travel Bug Knockout than they placed them into this Leicestershire cache west of the town of Shepshed.

Earlier in the day, enthusiastic Derby cacher, and EmCache admin boffin, JustAlan retrieved Ve8's Billy Bear Racer from Jackson Lane. Congrats on the FTF Alan!

And now... the nailbiting is over for cooper troopers after prolific East Midlands cacher ALLDREAD retrieved their the noble traveller TB from on the way to church.

Two more (highly hazardous) entries

Leicestershire cachers lgxkls (close friends get to call her No Vowels) and Mat Smith are the latest two entrants in The Great Travel Bug Knockout with their entries Hazards of Geocaching 1- Karon's Knockout Racer and Hazards of Geocaching 2 (The Sheep) John's Knockout racer respectively;

A Hazardous Cow

An Equally Hazardous Sheep

I doubt that either lgxkls or Mat Smith have ever considered geocaching in the Australian outback or Amazon rainforest...

Friday, 5 November 2010

Billy Bear Racer has gone to Jackson (Lane)

Ve8 has chosen the same method to start off his entry in The Great Travel Bug Knockout as fellow Derbyshire cachers cooper troopers, dropping his Billy Bear Racer Travel Bug into his newly hidden cache on the outskirts of the south Derbyshire village of Etwall.

How long will he have to wait for the First-To-Find to log, and will the FTF actually retrieve Billy Bear Racer?

Five Little Questions for perth pathfinders

Thank You to Scottish cachers perth pathfinders who retrieved Jacaru's Knockout Ferrari Travel Bug and kindly answered these questions (answers in bold);

1. Do You usually pick up Travel Bugs?  Yes always (well unless they huge ones)

2. What especially attracted you to this TB?  Its owner? - er OK bumped into him as he was putting the ferrari into a cache as we arrived and caught him and I promptly took it back!

3. Do you try to help a TB achieve it's mission?  Will do my best, and If not I will drop into my travel bug roadhouse for somebody else to help it along its way.

4. Do you ever follow the movements of a TB subsequent to you dropping it off?  No not usually, I have enough caches on watch without TBs as well.

5. Will you be following this Travel Bug's progress in The Great Travel Bug Knockout?  Would be interesting to see a list of all the TBs in the race and who gets knocked out if there is such a list?  Like that idea of eliminating one every month.  Why not a monthly email to 'subscribers' like a wacky race commentry?  Unless you have it on a forum - I haven't visited any in a while.

Thanks for taking the time to answer perth pathfinders, it's always interesting to find out why cachers move TB's along.

Ferrari hits the lead

Jacaru's Knockout Ferrari Travel Bug didn't spend long in Woodland Wander # 3, having been collected by experienced Scottish cachers perth pathfinders shortly after placement. Perth pathfinders subsequently logged Knockout Ferrari into this Event cache in the small Cathedral city of Dunblane, giving the TB a distance travelled of 143.86 miles and easily the lead in The Great Travel Bug Knockout.

And that's before mentioning that another cacher may be taking it to California shortly...

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Ferrari hits the road

Jacaru has placed his Knockout Ferrari Travel Bug in this cache near Barrow-in-Furness in Cumbria.

If the car's owner pays me $100,000, I may consider allowing it to move up one position in The Great Travel Bug Knockout!

EDIT: The above comment has caused some confusion. It's a reference to the Ferrari F1 drivers swapping positions in a recent Grand Prix, for which the team was fined $100,000. The reference was obviously too obscure for non-F1 fans!

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Blid435 does it Joe Cocker style but Humphrey is Happiest!

The Cache Owners of jack-s-dales-1st cache, two fat pigs, are good friends and regular PAFsters of Blid435 and have retrieved his BraveHeart Travel Bug to move along.

Meanwhile, Baira has placed Hediya's Love and Peace (Maan) TB into this cache and Happy Humphrey's  Scary Halloween Monster into this one, both in the central English city of Nottingham. This gives Love and Peace (Maan) a distance of 17.2 miles travelled and Scary Halloween Monster a distance of 17.28 miles covered, that extra 0.08 of a mile sufficient to give SHM the current lead in The Great Travel Bug Knockout.

Finally for today, Grizzly Pair have placed their Quatchi - Grizzly's Knockout Racer TB into this cache on the outskirts of the Derbyshire town of Long Eaton, not far from the M1, one of the UK's major motorways.

The first move

Thejellybabies' My Little Eye Travel Bug has become the first entry in The Great Travel Bug Knockout to have any movement logged, after enigmatic newbie cachers Kez+Maz retrieved MLE from Freddie's first cache and placed it one of Britain's oldest geocaches, Major Oak, very close to the actual Major Oak in Sherwood Forest, possibly Britain's most famous tree.

This movement was of 10.8 miles and has put My Little Eye into the lead of The Great Travel Bug Knockout.

Five little questions for Grey-n-Red

Thank You to American cacher Grey-n-Red who retrieved fuzziebear3's Happy Hoppy Travel Bug and graciously answered these questions (answers in bold);

1. Do You usually pick up Travel Bugs?  Yes

2. What especially attracted you to this TB?  It was in the cache

3. Do you try to help a TB achieve it's mission?  Yes

4. Do you ever follow the movements of a TB subsequent to you dropping it off?  Not usually unless it is an interesting TB

5. Will you be following this Travel Bug's progress in The Great Travel Bug Knockout?  I looked up the site and I might follow the race

Dropped off AND picked up!

It takes Real Talent to drop a Travel Bug into a cache and have the person who found the cache before you retrieve it, but fuzziebear3 managed it! She placed her Happy Hoppy TB into this newly published cache in the U.S. state of Ohio. Fuzziebear3 arrived whilst the previous finder of the cache, Grey-n-Red, was still present, so passed her entry in The Great Travel Bug Knockout directly on to him to move along. Simples!

The first two retrievals (or possibly three?)

Nottingham cacher Baira has retrieved both Happy Humphrey's Scary Hallowween Monster and Hediya's Love and Peace (Maan) Travel Bugs from Skeg to Ness #99.

It's also possible that castlegrice's George's Fun Bus 2 TB has been retrieved from Skeg to Ness #105, as a finder yesterday logged taking a TB, but hasn't actually logged GFB2 out of the cache. I've emailed the cacher in question to inquire whether he spotted castlegrice's trackable in the cache and I am awaiting reply.

Oddly enough, I've just realised that I bagged FTF on both Skeg to Ness #99 and Skeg to Ness #105. Small geocaching world, eh?

Monday, 1 November 2010

A BraveHearted placement

The Great Travel Bug Knockout entrant Blid435 has taken the bold move of placing his BraveHeart Travel Bug into a West Nottinghamshire cache that has only been visited once in the last 8 weeks. I'm sure that Blid will be hoping that more cachers visit the village of Jacksdale soon!

The noble traveller hasn't travelled!

It looked as if cooper troopers' gamble of placing their entry, the noble travellerinto a new cache of their own was going to pay-off with the first Travel Bug retrieval of The Great Travel Bug Knockout, but First-to-Finder Davicker chose not to take it.

Second-to-Find was smart451, who as a fellow entrant in The Knockout have rightly read the rules which forbids them from retrieving another entrants TB.

So, it's nail-biting time for cooper troopers... will Third-to-Find pick up and move along the noble traveller, or is it stuck in one space and time?

You've called your entry whaaat?!

East Midlands cacher geohunter-x has brought the total number of entries in The Great Travel Bug Knockout up to 14 with his slightly eccentrically named;

Now, let's all find some pins to stick in it!

On a more serious matter, with 14 entries and at least two more promised to come, is the 1-month period between eliminations too long? If any entrant has an opinion, either you're happy with the 1-month period, or would like it shortened so that the knockout doesn't go on for so long, please post a comment and I'll take note of your suggestions. Whatever is decided, The Great Travel Bug Knockout is now underway and the first elimination date is December 1st, 2010. Good Luck everyone!