Thank You to Scottish cachers perth pathfinders who retrieved Jacaru's Knockout Ferrari Travel Bug and kindly answered these questions (answers in bold);
1. Do You usually pick up Travel Bugs? Yes always (well unless they huge ones)
2. What especially attracted you to this TB? Its owner? - er OK bumped into him as he was putting the ferrari into a cache as we arrived and caught him and I promptly took it back!
3. Do you try to help a TB achieve it's mission? Will do my best, and If not I will drop into my travel bug roadhouse for somebody else to help it along its way.
4. Do you ever follow the movements of a TB subsequent to you dropping it off? No not usually, I have enough caches on watch without TBs as well.
5. Will you be following this Travel Bug's progress in The Great Travel Bug Knockout? Would be interesting to see a list of all the TBs in the race and who gets knocked out if there is such a list? Like that idea of eliminating one every month. Why not a monthly email to 'subscribers' like a wacky race commentry? Unless you have it on a forum - I haven't visited any in a while.
Thanks for taking the time to answer perth pathfinders, it's always interesting to find out why cachers move TB's along.
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