Thursday 11 November 2010

JAT2010 answers Five Little Questions

Cacher JAT2010, who moved Smart451's Smart Car 10 Knockout Racer into the lead of The Great Travel Bug Knockout took the time to answer the following Five Little Questions. His answers are in bold;

1. Do you usually pick up Travel Bugs?  Yes.

2. What especially attracted you to this TB?  Just spent a week or two taking a jeep around the country and enjoyed photographing it in various spots for its owner. So I was quite attracted to another car TB

3. Do you usually try to help a Travel Bug achieve it's mission?  Only in as much as moving them about. The ones who want to travel the world will need someone who gets out of the country to help. So if I can, yes.

4. Do you follow movements of TBs subsequent to you dropping them off?  Fairly newbie, so not so much yet. Time will tell.

5. Will you be following this Travel Bug's progress in The Great Travel Bug
Knockout?  Actually, yes. Now that I moved it, the owner is quite pleased to have 'taken an early lead', so I have an interest in this one. I'll check in on it now and then.

Many Thanks to JAT2010

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